Mindless White Noise

A sound that contains every frequency within the range of human hearing

Hospitalisation Post Mortem Thoughts

Published by Vivian under , on Thursday, December 31, 2009

Life doesn't necessary move just because a lot of things are happening. Plans got shelved and the days were frozen but there was still too much noise in the background. We wrestled with things that needed to get done but still there were tasks that we couldn't get around to.

Hunger is only for those who have the luxury of time. When the dust finally settled and I can finally breathe better, that was also when I started to hear my stomach growl and feel my knees buckling. Food was the last thing on my mind in the 48 hours when Matty was hospitalised.

Physical pain is less painful than emotional pain. I cried more seeing my son getting the drip inserted than having a 10 centimeter cut across my abdominal (twice) when I went through cesarean birth.

What You See Depends on Where You Stand

Published by Vivian under , on Thursday, December 03, 2009

While driving home after work a few days ago, I had a shock for a split second because I thought some of the buildings along the bit just before Marina Bay Sands and which are still under construction, were leaning at an angle as if they were going to topple over anytime soon.

After that split second, I did remember that the view is such only because that stretch of ECP sat on a gentle slope. I have driven past there countless number of times but almost each time I will get that momentary fear... my brain often fails to ping me fast enough about things like that!

This is a real-life illustration of how our view (of a given situation) is determined by the ground that we stand upon.